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Progress on entrants cars 2007


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Jason wrote:
Anyone care to theorise on the weather - I'm contemplating hard top or soft top at the moment.

Stop 'fannying about' and get rid of that hard top. Just imagine cruising alondside Lake Maggiori in the sunshine with the top down.

The sun WILL shine  ;D

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Oh God, are there only 40 days to go?!!!!!!!!

One dead Stag is still sitting on the driveway!!!!

Just back from hol, left the missus unpacking and tidying up the house etc whilst I fitted a nice replacement master cylinder.  We've got brakes now!  Took the plunge and booked an MOT for Mon afternoon.  Spent the rest of the day removing 10 years' worth of grime and spider poo and 2 months' worth of baked on bee poo from the paintwork - had to resort to the mop and cutting compound in the end.  

This evening's job is to scrub the interior to try and reduce the lovely smell of mouse poo and mould.

Oh and she runs soooo sweet now that  all the spark plugs are screwed in more than finger tight and cylinders 1 & 3 plug leads are attached to the correct plugs - whoops!

If the MOT's a success, then the engine comes out - doh!  Might start a blog if I can work out how!

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Oh God, are there only 40 days to go?!!!!!!!!

One dead Stag is still sitting on the driveway!!!!

Just back from hol, left the missus unpacking and tidying up the house etc whilst I fitted a nice replacement master cylinder.  We've got brakes now!  Took the plunge and booked an MOT for Mon afternoon.  Spent the rest of the day removing 10 years' worth of grime and spider poo and 2 months' worth of baked on bee poo from the paintwork - had to resort to the mop and cutting compound in the end.  

This evening's job is to scrub the interior to try and reduce the lovely smell of mouse poo and mould.

Oh and she runs soooo sweet now that  all the spark plugs are screwed in more than finger tight and cylinders 1 & 3 plug leads are attached to the correct plugs - whoops!

If the MOT's a success, then the engine comes out - doh!  Might start a blog if I can work out how!

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Sorted the frame for the hood today.
Remaining things to do;
- Refit the exhaust and put a new centre silencerbox under the car;
- Get some new tyres and have the front alignment checked;
- Some fiddling with the carbs;
- All those things I have a feeling I have forgotten  :B

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Amazing what a bit of panic can stimulate - got home last night after a 12 hour shift at work, rejected offers offers of beer, food and woman (black marks attained for that one!) and spent an hour wet vacuming and scrubbing the totally minging interior.  Good result, smell of mould and mouse poo now much greatly reduced when I stuck my head in this morning!

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Unbelievable!   The Stag has cleaned up a treat, and passed it's MOT yesterday.  Bad news is that the engine oil pressure was alarmingly low - 30psi hot when running, 10psi on tickover.

I'm wondering if it's realistic to have the engine out for a full rebuild in the now tight timescales?


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